Misinformation is getting out of hand. 5G is not the problem, people are.
Over the last day, several people have emailed me about reports coming from the UK of people destroying cell towers. Indeed, it’s all over the news media as misinformation spreads that 5G is spreading the coronavirus. The belief that 5G is responsible for the spread of the virus is, well, rubbish.
As engineers, we inherently know that the rollout of 5G has nothing do with the coronavirus. Biological entities simply don’t travel over radio waves. Plus, the novel coronavirus has spread to countries that simply don’t have 5G on any kind, be that sub-6 GHz nor mmWave frequencies. According to VIAVI Solutions (published in February), 5G is only in a handful of countries.
5G is many things, even from a radio perspective. Some telecom carriers are deploying mmWave signals on small cells. mmWave signals are lousy at penetrating buildings and even the skin, dying out in 1-2 mm. Other carriers are using frequencies as low as 600 MHz, which easily penetrate walls and skin. We’ve been exposed to those frequencies for many years. Nothing new here.
Most of the concerns about 5G-related health revolve around the deployment of small cells that use mmWave frequencies around 30 GHz. Signals at these frequencies simply don’t penetrate out skin. China, were COVID-19 was first detected, has focused on sub-6 GHz 5G, but most complaints have been centered around mmWave small cells.
In its 2020 Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields, the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection states “Below about 6 GHz, where EMFs penetrate deep into tissue (and thus require depth to be considered), it is useful to describe this in terms of “specific energy absorption rate” (SAR), which is the power absorbed per unit mass (W kg−1). Conversely, above 6 GHz, where EMFs are absorbed more superficially (making depth less relevant), it is useful to describe exposure in terms of the density of absorbed power over area (W m−2), which we refer to as “absorbed power density.” Indeed, the guidelines go on to say that you’d need to be exposed to high power levels (5 kW kg−1) for many minutes to induce any kind of harm. Going further the UK’s Ofcom has taken measurements on RF radiation and concluded that power levels, even those near cellular masts are significantly below any safety limits.
Conspiracy theories surrounding 5G are nothing new. They claim that 5G (and Wi-Fi) is a scam to control our minds and boil us alive. Yes, 2.4 GHz signals can boil water (think microwave ovens) but that takes hundreds of watts at close range. WHO says “To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use.”
I even received an e-mail the other day asking “Are you ready now to buy in to the conspiracy theory of the agenda to use 5g technology to reduce the population of the world and control the ones that are left?”
As for 5G spreading COVID-19, there are many conspiracy theories floating around on social media. I did see a video of someone claiming to be a 5G tower installer saying that there’s a direct correlation between the deployment of 5G and the spreading of the coronavirus. One look at his t-shirt was enough to convince me that his claim had no credibility.
The only possible connection between 5G and the COVID-19 is if the installer has the virus and knowingly or unknowingly infects another person. To say that the technology itself spreads the virus is truly fake news.
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Do you have any information about what is happening at cellular level or DNA level WRT electromagnetic fields in general (other than looking at thermal affects?).
Any studies, experiments, ideas?
Are you thinking 5G low-band/mid-band (under 6-7 GHz) or mmWave? Most of what I’ve seen revolves around thermal issues. Check out these links.
NYU Wireless
The Modeling of the Absorbance of Sub-THz Radiation by Human Skin
Millimeter waves or extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields in the environment: what are their effects on bacteria?
NY Times: Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.
More attacks on towers, this time in The Netherlands.
Great idea, burn cell towers and disrupt service during a pandemic.
An article posted in this website in 2018 says:
“According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), 5G cell tower microwave radiation exposure has been linked to an array of symptoms from head, heart, and muscle issues; sleep complications like insomnia and fatigue; and breathing difficulties, to high-pitched ringing in ears, memory impairment, dizziness, and erratic mood swings. This is in addition to previous studies linking microwave radiation exposure to illnesses like cancer, heart disease, neurological dysfunction, even immune system suppression and cataracts.”
5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells
That paper has been withdrawn by its publishers after many reviews pointed out its obvious flaws. The diagrams, equations and logic made no sense, and no actual experiments or tests had been done. The paper itself states that waves larger than 1 milimetre in length cannot enter cells to do any damage, yet the waves used by 5G are mostly tens hundreds of times longer, and even the future new frequency bands are at least 5 times longer. So the whole paper is pointless.
I found a copy of that https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32668870/ article from before the paper was withdrawn from publication – the reviewers had a field day pointing out the errors – https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/313088-pubmed-pseudoscience-5g-coronavirus
And if you read the paper carefully, skipping over the meaningless equations and diagrams, you will notice that the paper itself states that waves longer than 1 mm are unable to enter the cell nucleus and are not an issue. It concerns itself solely with waves shorter than 1 mm, which are the frequencies above 300 GHz … but there are no plans, even in the future, to have 5G in any frequencies above just 52 GHz – with 6 mm waves or longer.
So the paper shoots itself in the foot.
Who says 5G can spread a virus??? I haven’t.
Can anyone explain how for years I get the sickness, tingling in my eyes and nasal cavaties, dizziness, can’t concentrate, and more whenever I make a call on a 4G phone or it’s otherwise active? I can rarely use one for more than 15 maybe 30sec at a time.
Any time I put the phone by my head, I can feel strongly these effects. Anytime I don’t it doesn’t. This has been the case for several years. It finally culminated in me getting badly sick last year (July 2019) suffering severe nausea throughout my body, vertigo, headache, and other effects worse than a simple tingling in my head, eyes, teeth and nasal cavity.
Since then I’ve had to be extra careful and I’ve managed to avoid the above happening as bad since. But naturally I’ve been greatly concerned about the worldwide 5G grid going live on masse in 2020. I distinctly remember thinking over a year ago the only way I can think the sickness and deaths could be excused in 2020 was if it could be blamed on a worldwide virus.
Worse was to come in March this year when 5G got tested – during the lockdown – so it got finished up protest free. For an hour or 2 it was unbearable, I recognised the effects immediately, very specific but far stronger than previously experienced with 4G. I was at work and called out “they’ve turned on 5G”. “How do you know??” “I can feel it”. The worst effect was struggling to breathe as my body couldn’t absorb oxygen. I could draw in air but not absorb oxygen properly. Headache, dizziness, severe nausea, I was rendered almost completely unable to do my work, however much I tried. No ability to concentrate, there was nowhere to go where I could get away from it. I understand how this can drive a person (especially young adults) to suicide (I won’t). Mercifully it was only at it’s worst for an hour or two but the effects stayed with me strongly for days after.
I am fearful and dreading from now until winter as it gets ‘turned up’, especially if work force me to wear a mask, given the most notable effect apart from severe nausea was being unable to breathe (unable to process oxygen really). I am already so fatigued and tired, waking up after hours of sleep feeling like I’ve been beaten up badly.
I think how many people have, or will be put on ventilators in hospital, wrongly set for more power and rupturing lungs, when they need to be set for more oxygen?
And as expected, they’ve been coming on the news telling us ‘covid’ will, from now and especially around winter, now exhibit exactly the effects I’ve been familiar with for years. The juice is expected to be cranked up on the 5G network around this time.
Naturally it’s the mark of a sane person, not an insane one, to ask a question or two in this case. It was galling actually hearing the BBC describe these specific effects and tell us it’s going to be caused by a virus. I think some bad information has been handed down.
Just to reiterate – Any time I put the phone by my head, I feel these effects – anytime I don’t it doesn’t. What am I supposed to think? Please help.
I like and welcome new technology, but this might need work.
Hope this explains some of why people have concerns. I don’t know where things like mind control and viruses being carried on radio waves come from, haven’t heard those before recently??
Thanks, and Peace.
Have you ever tried using your phone on speaker instead of holding it to your ear?
Ever tried headphones or earbuds?
Here’s what I know. Around January of 2020 my ears started humming. Both sides, not in conjunction with my heart. Now in December, when its quiet in my home, I cant hardly think because its so loud in my ears.
I know that while most of the US slept, this essential pizza delivery lady was watching and taking photos as the 5g towers went up at our schools, neighborhoods, government buildings, like police stations, and we got the new fabulous ‘smart traffic lights’ installed too. (wouldve been great if they had fixed the roads too, lol)
Ive always been sensitive to EMF, back in the day i knew if someone in the house turned a tv on or off. and Ive heard odd high pitch noises as long as i can remember.
I love my phone, love the info superhighway, but I would trade it all to have the world back before all of this. in a place where birds sang everyday and the bees werent getting zapped too.
Are you sure the towers are for 5G? Even if they are, can you show that they are the source of your issues?
Old tube-type TVs would often do that. I have a flat screen TV that used to produce a whistling sound until it wormed up. That stopped a couple of years ago. Recently, the TV’s LEDs that lighted the screen have failed. More likely that circuit that drives current through the LEDs failed.
My right ear sometimes produces it’s own high-pitched sound. Been doing that since long before cell phones. Got hit in the ear when I was a teenager. That started it.
As verified at an IEEE meeting I was part of, tinnitus or microwave hearing is an established effect of RF. The chair of the committee on human exposure to RF simply brushed it off saying it was merely an “annoyance” and not a “health effect.” My ENT colleague begged to differ.
Tinnitus can be caused by different things, but RF/MW is one of them.
Apparently people really do think 5G will harm them, and the scammers have found prey.
Scammers Sell 5G Repellent Cream Online and People Actually Buy It
There is no proof that 5G harms you or your skin, however, this did not stop people from believing in the cream.
New article on 5G EMF measurements.
Measurements show EM fields from 5G Massive MIMO base stations fall within WHO boundaries for human safety. https://www.5gtechnologyworld.com/5g-emf-emissions-fall-well-within-safety-limits/