Space150, the digital creative agency that changes its identity every 150 days, this week announced it has launched a new mobile division within the company.
Space150 has been incorporating mobile advertising in its clients’ campaigns since about 2004, but now is the time to formally devote a division to it. “We feel like now is a perfect time to … really formalize the understanding and knowledge and bring it to clients,” said John Grudnowski, vice president of modern media at space150.
Helping space150 in its mobile endeavors is former Sprint PCS President and CMO Chuck Levine, who has been lending his consulting expertise to the firm as it works to establish relationships with carriers and others in the wireless ecosystem.
The firm is based in Minneapolis with offices in New York and Los Angeles. Since its start in 2000, the agency has considered itself a hybrid of sorts in that it combines technology development with creative design. Among its clients are Dairy Queen, American Express and United Health Care.
If technology goes in 6-month cycles, space150 aims to be just ahead of the curve. The agency changes its identity every 150 days, or five months, and that encompasses everything from a new logo to business cards, Grudnowski said. The company has done it so many times – 20 now – that it has figured out the most cost-effective ways to do it. “We are constantly moving forward,” he said. “We’re constantly changing.”
The company plans to develop mobile campaigns by combining digital strategy, media, creative and technology. The creative and tech teams will work in tandem to deliver the client’s message to consumers. All components of mobile marketing will be done in-house, including any unique application development.
Space150 plans to host client workshops in Minneapolis and New York. The mobile division is led by CEO and Creative Director Billy Jurewicz, with support from Levine.