Will service providers be able to handle a network that connects over a trillion devices? Amdocs is offering consulting services that will help providers prepare for their operations becoming exponentially more complex, and potentially very costly.
For example, support costs for smartphones are 400 percent higher than regular phones, and their penetration is expected to climb from 30 percent today to 75 percent within five years, Amdocs noted, adding that some forecasters are predicting there might be more than a trillion devices connected to the net by as early as 2015 – what some are referring to as “the Tera-play.”
Amdocs announced consulting services that will address each of six concerns it said providers will need to address:
- Profitably manage unique, personalized and contextual experiences across trillions of devices and global access points.
- Surface and act upon customer intelligence to maximize revenue, profit and partnerships.
- Ensure flexible pricing and dynamic offering composition, including bundling and blending, for on-demand customer experiences.
- Adopt non-traditional business models and utilize data, infrastructure and customer interaction assets to attract third-party partners and incrementally increase partner-based revenue.
- Contain the costs of supporting customers with their own portfolios of diverse networked devices.
- Profitably manage network costs as the demand for capacity expands an order of magnitude, and adopt dynamic bandwidth allocation, intelligent network planning and rollout.
“There is an urgency, intensity and complexity about doing business in a Tera-play environment that service providers have to be thinking about – and considering – right now as they make decisions regarding the evolution of their BSS, OSS and SDP environments,” said Mike Couture, head of Global Marketing at Amdocs.
“Smartphones are only one complicating factor we see today. Every day, new devices are being connected to the network – cars, book-readers, appliances, security systems, medical devices – and all consuming bandwidth,” Couture continued. “In terms of network connectivity and service complexity, the Tera-play defies imagination.”