Mac guy, meet lawyer guy. An angry iPhone customer, Jessica Alena Smith, is suing Apple because of problems with her phone’s reception. She seeks a court order forcing Apple to repair or replace any parts that aren’t working as advertised plus unspecified monetary damages.
A copy of the lawsuit is posted on In it, Smith notes that many other iPhone 3G users are reportedly having similar problems. The case deserves class-action status, she argues.
Some reports indicate that the iPhone’s problems are because of its Infineon chips or issues related to AT&T’s network, but those companies are not part of the suit.
Apple released multiple firmware updates for the phone, the most recent coming last weekend, which some customers said actually caused more problems. The company at first not did say what bugs the updates fix but finally confirmed 3G reception as one of the issues to the Associated Press.
Apple has not made any other public comments about the ongoing problems and could not be reached this morning about Smith’s lawsuit.