AT&T today launched three new mid-range Motorola Android smartphones, the Flipout, Flipside and Bravo. The new phones bring the company’s Android lineup to eight different devices. All the new devices will come running Android 2.1 and have the latest enhancements to MotoBlur, Motorola’s Android UI overlay.
The Flipout, available Oct. 17 for $79.99, features a square pivot design that opens to a full keyboard below its touch screen with a dedicated fifth row for numbers. Consumers can also customize colors to match their mood with dark sapphire and saffron batter covers included for personalization. An entire line is also available, including fairway green, poppy red, rebel pink and more.
The Flipside sells for $99.99 and features a full slide-out qwerty keyboard, 3.1-inch, HVGA display with support for pinch-to-zoom and a laptop-like track pad.
Lastly, the Bravo sells for $129 and will be available for the holidays. The Bravo features an 800 MHz processor, 3.7-inch full WVGA touchscreen and 3-megapixel camera with digital zoom and auto focus. The Bravo also features support for Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) technology, which allows users to stream, store and share entertainment with multiple devices.