AT&T introduced its new NumberSync service on Wednesday and it’s exactly what it sounds like.
According to a description posted on its Consumer Blog, NumberSync will allow users with multiple connected devices to send and receive calls and text messages on their tablet or wearable using the same number utilized by their cell phone. The service will work even when a user’s smartphone isn’t located nearby or is switched off, the company said. NumberSync will operate on the network, eliminating the need for a Bluetooth connection to a user’s smartphone.
“We’re taking a standards-based, network approach that will make connecting a wide variety of devices easier to give you a better user experience,” the carrier said in the post. “Our plan is for NumberSync to become the norm on a variety of our future connected ‘devices.’”
AT&T said it is currently working to integrate the service with future device offerings, and said the first NumberSync-compatible device is expected to launch “soon” with more offerings scheduled for launch in time for the holidays.