AT&T has filed with the FCC for the assignment of Advanced Wireless Spectrum (AWS) licenses from Cable One, a national TV, phone and broadband provider.
The transaction would assign 20 MHz of AWS-1 spectrum covering 119 counties in 24 Cellular Market Areas to AT&T Mobility. The licenses cover a scattered selection of geographic areas from all over the country.
AT&T estimates that post-transaction, it would hold “a total of 63 to 153 megahertz of spectrum in the CMAs involved in this transaction, including 20 to 50 megahertz of AWS-1 spectrum.”
AT&T said it intends to use the spectrum to boost capacity for its existing LTE services and to provide new products and services within the applicable geographic areas.
Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.
AT&T’s potential deal with Cable One marks the second significant spectrum transaction already this year for the carrier. In January, AT&T announced it was buying from Aloha Partners 49 AWS licenses covering approximately 50 million people in 14 states including California, Illinois and Massachusetts.
As part of a $1.9 billion deal last year to acquire lower 700 MHz B Block licenses from Verizon, AT&T gave up AWS spectrum licenses covering big markets like Phoenix and Los Angeles.