BlackBerry users may soon have an effective way to organize their call histories, thanks to startup company Redwood Technologies.
Redwood’s software, called Momentem, lets users assign custom tags to every completed call. Users can then access their history through an online application, where data is encrypted and includes information such as call duration, president Terry Hughes explained.
The software is expected to launch this quarter through mobile reseller Handmark. It’s also offered as a service by wireless carrier Orange, while negotiations with AT&T are underway, although AT&T already includes the software in its vertical markets catalog, officials said.
Redwood also plans to launch versions for the Apple iPhone, Symbian devices and Windows Mobile. Also, the software may expand to include tagging of music services such as iTunes and the use of instant messaging.
Users could include anyone who charges hourly rates or who must charge time to a cost center. Other call manager applications tend to lack long-term access or are for specific applications such as SAP or vertical markets, Hughes noted.
Redwood has 11 employees and is privately funded. The company’s main goal is to help avoid what Hughes called “bill shock” – the idea stemmed from a lone developer in a bar in Canada.