While Bluetooth headsets and earpieces have come a long way in terms of style, few companies have attempted to get the technology into a woman’s jewelry box. That’s just what navero has done with its recent Victoria Collection, a line of Bluetooth headsets that it says “combines the beauty of finely crafted jewelry with the ease of hands-free communication technology.”
The Premium pieces, all of which the company says are hand crafted and will be offered at high-end specialty stores in early fall, start at $250-$350. Navero also has released a luxury collection that features semi-precious stones and pearls. Additionally, navero is targeting the Donald Trumps of the world with “la première édition,” a series of commissioned Victoria pieces fashioned from precious metals and rare jewels valued at more than $120,000 each.
The headsets are a combination of necklaces and earpieces that wrap up around the back of the head. They bare ritzy names like Victoria Lapis and come with descriptions worthy of Seinfeld’s J. Peterman, such as: “stunning yin-yang white and blue pendant – the irony of the piece’s two sides living in one beautiful object – in perfect harmony.”
While the initial line will be crafted from precious metals and stones, the truly wealthy also will be allowed to commission their own “la première édition” piece by selecting the finest jewels they desire. Perhaps the latest Hollywood starlet will want to keep in touch while accepting her Oscar.