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IT Alert:Mobile Device Policies
Want your IT managers counting sheep? Tell them about new waves of iPhones and iPhone killers coming to an office near them. This consumerization trend refers to consumer technologies being brought into the enterprise, with employees hellbent on integrating their personal devices with their enterprise applications.
There is good reason for lost sleep. According to a recent Datamonitor report, global enterprise expenditure on mobile devices will nearly triple by 2012, growing from $6 billion today to an estimated $17 billion. This underscores the need for IT managers to employ and enforce mobile device policies.
“Enterprises are fighting a losing battle against employees when it comes to mobile devices and they should consider supporting a limited selection of devices rather than banning them outright,” said Daniel Okubo, technology analyst with Datamonitor and the report’s author. “Allowing a range of the most popular devices will improve employee satisfaction and encourage more of them to embrace mobile devices and improve their productivity when away from the office.”
Go Figure
Percentage of 8- to-12-year olds that will own cell phones by 2009, according to BSG.
Percentage of U.S. consumers in a Yahoo!/Harris Interactive poll who think that mobile phone usage on airplanes should be restricted to silent features. The survey found that consumers want to be able to use their mobile phones in-flight for e-mail, texting and IM, but prefer no talking on airplanes.
Minutes per month that U.S. smartphone users are browsing the mobile Web thanks to social networking and Interent commerce, according to M:Metrics. By contrast, British users spend less than half as many minutes on the mobile Web.
Value of the worldwide market for touchscreen displays this year according to iSuppli. This is based on approximately 341 million modules. By 2013, iSuppli predicts the touchscreen display market will grow to 833 million units with revenue expected to reach $6.4 billion. The Apple iPhone is credited with lighting a fire under this market.