It looks like there could be some iPhone users considering the unthinkable, namely a switch to a new Android phone.
New numbers from, a UK shop that offers money for used phones, found that iPhone valuations were way up after HTC announced its new HTC One M8.
According to CompareMyMobile, which compared the number of valuations on its site between March 23 through the 24th to the number of valuations between March 25 through March 26. The site saw a 225 percent increase in iPhone 5S 32GB valuations following the HTC One M8 reveal.
The Sony’s Xperia Z also saw a 117.39 percent increase in valuations following the reveal.
Overall, CompareMyMobile said the data could suggest that people who own other brand devices are considering a change.
That the HTC One might have caught the eye of some iPhone users shouldn’t come as a surprise. HTC’s new flagship, as well as its predecessor, have both receieved rave reviews for the company’s attention to design, something iPhone users have long held dear about Apple’s popular smartphone.
The latest HTC One model uses metal for its casing, and following the reveal earlier this week, HTC CEO Peter Chou said he had been personally invovled in helping to refine the M8 as it was being designed.