The company updated its lineup of high-end gaming laptops for Alienware’s M14x, M17x and M18x models Monday. The devices will now tout the new Intel third-generation Ivy Bridge processors, as well as the latest graphic cards from Nvidia and AMD to bring improved visuals to the gaming experience.
The laptops also come with Bluetooth 4.0, Blu-ray disc drive, HDMI 1.4 capabilities and USB 3.0 for fast data transfer.
The M14x model boasts a 14-inch high-definition display and is the most mobile of the three. Meanwhile, the M17x and M18x models bring gaming power with AMD Radeon HD 7970M graphics card and GDDR5 Nvidia GeForce GT 660M and 675M graphics solutions. In addition, theM17x is the only laptop in the series that comes with an optional 3D display.
Dell also announced a partnership with EA and the popular game Battlefield 3, so users can control certain aspects of the game while playing on an Alienware device. For example, accessing the Alienware control center on the laptop will allow users to personalize the experience by adjusting lighting colors and effects settings.
The laptop becomes an extension of the game. When a player is in full health, the keyboard will glow white. When a player in the game is dying, it will pulsate red.
A spokesperson told Mashable that Dell aims to roll out these capabilities to more EA games in the future. Alienware M14x, M17x and M18x are available now on and with prices starting at M14x, $1,499 for the M17x, and $1,999 for the M18x.
Would you buy a laptop specifically for gaming? Do you see this as a growth area?
Posted by Janine E. Mooney, Editor
May 1, 2012