To sum up a new survey, many iPad owners would sooner let go of logic or hygiene than give up their their tablet.
Roughly a quarter of those queried said it would be easier to shut off their water for a day than to shut off their iPad. Nearly as many — 22 percent –s aid they would go without electricity for a day. Of course, logically, that would mean that they wouldn’t have an iPad to use the next day, but apparently many of those surveyed weren’t thinking that far ahead.
Also disturbing was the fact that nearly half of the thousand or so iPad owners polled by Brainshark said they would rather forego brushing their teeth on a business trip rather than go without their iPad. I’m sure their co-workers would love that.
So, how painful would a broken iPad be?
Some 40 percent said it would rate ahead of a minor car accident, with almost a third saying it was above a root canal on the pain scale. A full 16 percent would sooner have their nose broken, and one in 10 would rather be fired.
Part of the reason people love their iPads is that owners are using them everywhere. And, sadly, we do mean everywhere. About 60 percent of people use theirs on the toilet, while more than one in three have used theirs naked. More than one in five have used their iPad in the tub. No word on how many iPads have gone for a swim in said tubs.
September 18, 2012