Telit Wireless Solutions, a global provider of machine-to-machine (M2M) modules and services, today announced two of its M2M modules have received certification to work with the Verizon Wireless network. Now Telit customers can employ the DE910-DUAL and the CE910-DUAL modules to deploy a range of M2M applications such as mobile computing, metering, vending and point-of-sale and telematics.
Tarana Wireless today unveiled its plans to bring to market a universal small cell backhaul solution that not only meets all mobile carrier requirements but can also be deployed anywhere small cells are located.
CommScope is offering a new antenna solution that enables wireless operators to increase capacity at the cell site. The Six Sector Solution, part of the Andrew portfolio of wireless solutions, utilizes advanced antenna technology that can make site acquisition and installation easier by enabling the use of three antennas where six were previously needed. Implementation of the Six Sector Solution provides almost twice the capacity, increases the gain of each sector by 3 dB for better building penetration and mitigates interference for higher data throughput.
AT&T Inc. has appointed Mike McCallister to its board of directors. Mr. McCallister recently retired as CEO of Humana Inc. and continues to serve as chairman of its board of directors. He will serve on the Audit Committee of AT&T’s Board of Directors.
Tango today announced a new update to its mobile app that will allow users of the video calling service to send animations and other content themed for Valentine’s Day. The new version of the app also includes new social features, as well as improvements for faster call setup.