Mark Beach, Professor of Radio Systems Engineering in theDepartment of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, will give an invited presentation on the Bristol Is Open Massive MIMO test bedto a European audience at the NetWorld2020 Annual Event and General Assembly 2016 in Brussels.
This experimental hardware platform, which achieved a world’s first in terms of over-air spectrum efficiency, will be showcased alongside many EU Horizon 2020 5G-Public Private Partnership(5G-PPP) projects and European test-beds to experts in this area, including the EU Commission and standardisation bodies ITU-R and 3GPP.
Andrew Nix, Professor of Wireless Communication Systems and Professor Beach, will then attend the Brooklyn 5G Summit, hosted by Nokia Networks and New York University, to demonstrate Bristol’s 5G research to an international audience.
The exhibit will include collaborative examples of the CSN group’swork in the EU 5G-PPP research projects mmMAGIC and 5G-Xhaul, the experimental wireless facility through Bristol Is Open, together with pioneering research in the field of full duplex, Massive MIMO and Enabling RF Technologies.
Around 150 delegates are expected at this event, with experts from industry, academia and the standardisation bodies.
Professor Andrew Nix, Dean of Engineering, said: “In addition to our posters, we will also show a series of videos highlighting the state-of-the-art test bed and measurement facilities at Bristol alongside the expertise of our researchers.”
Professor Mark Beach added: “This is our third Brooklyn 5G Summit. It is an excellent opportunity for us to meet with our international collaborators, discuss results, plan further collaborations and most importantly showcase Bristol’s ground-breaking research.”