HP might not be doing anything hardware-wise with its Palm/webOS acquisition, but that doesn’t mean it’s ignoring the mobile apps space. The company today announced new “application transformation solutions” designed to help enterprises with the integration of mobile-based enterprise apps and their traditional computing environments.
Part of the program involves helping customers determine which existing apps or processes should be mobilized to improve productivity, explains Darren McGrath, global product marketing manager in the Mobile Application Services division of HP.
“We look at the whole picture,” he adds, referring to security, privacy and other issues surrounding an enterprise’s mobile strategy.
As part of its IT Performance Suite, HP is working with Perfecto Mobile to extend testing of mobile apps across devices and networks. The process allows developers to run tests on more devices in a matter of days instead of weeks, McGrath says. Working in HP’s favor are the more than 1,000 mobile app developers it employs around the world.
HP is also offering mobility services for SAP applications. “By extending its mobile solutions to the SAP NetWeaver technology platform and the Sybase Unwired Platform, HP now offers an end-to-end enterprise mobile solution that enables client access to key enterprise information such as application development, integration and testing,” the company says.