Could it be true that Intel wants to “harmonize” WiMAX and Long Term Evolution (LTE) access technologies? That’s what news reports this week said, but an Intel spokesperson said in response that the stories painted a somewhat skewed picture.
The original story, by BBC, quoted Intel’s sales and marketing chief, Sean Maloney, as saying the two broadband wireless technologies should be united. The two technologies share some basics and the report set off a flurry of blogs and online stories.
Asked about the story, Kari Aakre, a spokesperson for Intel, said the report made it sound as if Intel had some plans to unify the access technologies. She said the company has no plans to support LTE nor does it have an effort underway to promote the harmonization of LTE and WiMAX.
Intel is an advocate, she said, of having a single wireless broadband standard but is not actively working on that.
“We’re not backing off WiMAX,” she said. “We’re 100 percent behind it and getting our products out the door.”
She said it still remains to be seen exactly what LTE will be once it is commercialized. WiMAX networks are rolling out now but LTE isn’t expected to launch until 2010 or later.