Jumptap wants to help developers and publishers caught in the crossfire of the mobile advertising battles between Apple and Google/AdMob, and it’s doing it to the tune of $4 million.
The company today announced its Passport to Freedom Program, which establishes a $4 million fund for new customers who get to keep 100 percent of their ad revenues (in what’s usually a 60/40 revenue split) through the rest of 2010 or until the fund is depleted – whichever is sooner. If a developer wants to reinvest those earnings and advertise an app, Jumptap will double the amount of ad dollars available up to a 200 percent payout.
Jumptap Chief Marketing Officer Paran Johar says it’s a low-risk way for developers and publishers to make the transition to an independent ad network, and the company has heard from a lot of developers who are concerned about their earnings potential due to uncertainties with the Apple and Google/AdMob’s ad networks. At one point, it looked like Apple was going to essentially boot AdMob out of its iAd system, but as of last week, AdMob was still serving ads for the iOS family.
But the rules change seemingly week by week or day by day, Johar notes, adding it’s a precarious position for developers to be in. “We’re providing safe passage,” he says. And if Jumptap can strategically build relationships with app developers and media publishers, the hope is they’ll see the value in an independent ad network and stick with Jumptap.
To get started, new customers can sign up for an account at www.jumptap.com/passportsignup, download the SDK and start earning money, he says.
Jumptap’s solutions run across device platforms, including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Android and BlackBerry, and it offers a range of advertising options, including search, display, rich media, video and in-app advertising across both premium and performance solutions.
Google/AdMob generally is seen as focusing on the performance-based or direct response sector and Apple is going after the premium space with brand-type advertising that is more about strengthening a brand’s power versus getting an immediate response from someone.
In terms of competition these days, Jumptap most often runs into Google/AdMob, Apple and Millennial Media.