Cyber Monday this week smashed the $3.34 billion single-day online sales record set just days earlier on Black Friday, pulling in a total of $3.45 billion in the United States, new figures from Adobe show.
According to the data, mobile sales accounted for $1.19 billion of that total, coming in a close second to the historic $1.2 mobile total posted on Black Friday. The figure marked a 48 percent increase in mobile sales year over year.
“Cyber Monday is on track to be the biggest online shopping day ever, surpassing our forecast by almost $27 million or 0.8 percent,” Tamara Gaffney, principal analyst at Adobe Digital Insights, said. “This indicates that consumers still had more appetite for online shopping despite the incredible volume of online sales on Black Friday.”
Adobe said mobile accounted for 53 percent of visits on Cyber Monday, and smartphones alone making up 44 percent of total online visits. Mobile’s share of purchases was a bit lower at 35 percent, with smartphones used in 25 percent of all purchases and tablets used in 10 percent of transactions. The data showed iOS users continued to outspend Android owners with average transaction values of $139 and $124, respectively.
Conversion rates were up across the board, with smartphones at 1.9 percent, tablets at 3.7 percent, and desktops at 4.3 percent compared to holiday averages of 1.3 percent, 2.9 percent, and 3.2 percent, respectively. Here, too, iOS users topped Android users with conversion rates of 2.3 percent and 1.8 percent, respectively.
Over Thanksgiving weekend as a whole (from Nov. 24 through Nov. 27, not counting Cyber Monday), Adobe said mobile accounted for 56 percent of online visits and 37 percent of online sales. By device, smartphones accounted for 45 percent of visits and a quarter of sales, while tablets brought in 11 percent of visits and 12 percent of sales. Mobile’s total over the weekend hit $3.46 billion in sales.
Though many consumers indicated they were planning to purchase a smartphone during the holiday season, Adobe said the five best-selling electronic products in terms of quantity sold on Cyber Monday were Sony PlayStation 4, Microsoft Xbox, Samsung 4K TVs, Apple iPads, and the Amazon Fire. Adobe listed the iPad Air 2 as one of the most popular selling products of the season.