Comcast may be looking to resell Verizon’s wireless services as an MVNO.
According to Bloomberg, Comcast said it will offer the services under an agreement that it and a consortium of other cable companies (SpectrumCo) secured when in 2012 they sold $3.9 billion in nationwide AWS spectrum to Verizon.
Under that agreement, Comcast is allowed to resell Verizon’s wireless services to its customers.
Bloomberg reports that Comcast is prepping to sell a hybrid cellular/Wi-Fi service that would be similar to Google’s new Project Fi service, which operates on Sprint and T-Mobile’s networks, as well as over Wi-Fi.
During a third-quarter earnings call, Verizon CFO Fran Shammo essentially confirmed that a number of cable companies were looking into reselling its wireless services.
Shammo said he wouldn’t get into whether his company was looking to revise that agreement.
“Obviously, the industry is moving,” Shammo said. “Cable is going to do what they are going to do and we’re going to do what we’re going to do.”
Shammo seemed to pour water on the idea that any Wi-Fi service could replace an LTE connection.
“We truly believe that Wi-Fi is a complementary wireless network, if you will, with LTE and we don’t believe one replaces the other,” Shammo said. “Just like when we launched LTE, we said, look, it’s not going to replace Wi-Fi, it’s not going to replace broadband into the home. Similar, Wi-Fi is not going to replace LTE. So I think that’s where it stands right now, so I really won’t interject anymore around the MVNO.”