Cross-platform gaming company Mytopia has expanded its gaming community from social networks to mobile devices, including iPhone, BlackBerry, Symbian, PalmOS and Windows Mobile.
The Mytopia online gaming community is powered by real-time universal gaming system (RUGS), its “write once, run anywhere” framework. In other words, the company just writes code once and an application is automatically translated for compatibility on a range of mobile and Web platforms.
RUGS applications are running natively on each platform, with porting solutions for Flash and every major mobile operating system, even the Android emulator. This technology enables users to play classic games together in real-time from any device or network.
According to Guy Ben-Artzi, founder and CEO of Mytopia, his company is exploring new business models for navigating the challenging online to mobile gaming experience. Currently, Mytopia is free-to-play online and players can subscribe to the mobile extension or purchase individual games a la cart for their phones. This model allows users to avoid ads which interfere with the “immersive online gaming experience,” he said.