SendMe Mobile is adding Warner Music Group (WMG) to its roster of content.
The deal adds 7,000 to 10,000 new ringtones and other pieces of mobile content into the SendMe platform, with hundreds of additional tones to be added on a weekly basis. “It’s a spectacular portfolio,” said Russell Klein, co-founder and CEO of SendMe Mobile. “We’re thrilled to add them in.”
SendMe also works with EMI, Universal, The Orchard and many smaller labels in its quest to address the mainstream as well as “long tail” of content. It has assembled a large catalog of other content – wallpaper, games and more. “Our goal is to have the largest, fully licensed IP-friendly content catalog” in the United States, he said.
SendMe is most often compared to companies such as Thumbplay, but Klein said SendMe’s strategy is much broader than that. SendMe is just one-third of the business. There’s also SoLow, a mobile sweepstakes site, and mBuzzy, an emerging social network for people who want to chat and IM on mobile. The company seeks partners that are looking for more than just a place to sell ringtones.
In the coming months, users can expect to see offers through SoLow where they can get prizes linked to Warner artists that they would not find anywhere else. In the past, the site has done a promotion that involved giving away a Thanksgiving Day dinner with Ozzie and Sharon Osborne, which was designed to promote OzzFest.