The Smarter Weigh Bluetooth Scale Kit from Transcell Technology allows a scale load cell to be positioned up to 300 feet (100m) away from its weight display, free of connecting cables.
In many weight-sensing applications, there is a need to locate the measurement load cells a distance away from the display or interface. The Smarter Weigh System utilizes Bluetooth for wireless communications. This NTEP certified system is ideal for all types of industrial and commercial weighing applications, as well as over-weight detection alarms in such material handling applications as forklifts and overhead cranes.
Eight versions of the weighing module are available to adapt to different installation types. Both modules use reliable Bluetooth wireless technology. Computers, tablets and printers can also be connected to the Smarter Weigh Digital Indicator/Interface, via RS-232 or optional Bluetooth or WI-FI. The modular simplicity of the system allows its use with either new or existing installations. Virtually any scale application that uses some form of strain gage load cells can be updated to wireless operation. Once Smarter Weigh hardware had been installed, operation is fully automated. No additional software is required. Features include:
- A wireless remote A/D converter module.
- Bluetooth-enabled digital indicator/interface.
- Communication through TI-500RF digital indicator.
- Aluminum or stainless steel enclosure.
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