Sony Ericsson unveiled a new compact slider handset, the T303, which comes with a mirrored screen, metal housing and chrome finish. It also comes with an integrated 1.3-megapixel camera, FM radio, MP3 player and Sony Ericsson’s TrackID application, which lets users record a clip of a song and then find info about the artist and album.
“The T303 is a great addition to the Sony Ericsson T-line of products, combining premium finish and materials with a good feature-set to deliver ‘style with substance,” said Lykke Tærsbøl, senior designer at the Sony Ericsson Creative Design Center, in a statement. “The balance between shape and size in combination with the design makes it a truly eye-catching product. Our aim was to create a phone that would function equally as a daily companion as well as something to show off on a night out.”
The Sony Ericsson T303 is expected to be available for select markets mid year.