Right smack at the start of AT&T’s open enrollment for its device insurance plans, T-Mobile has debuted a new premium device protection plan for its customers.
Dubbed “Premium Device Protection Plus,” the new plan comes with McAfee security and ID protection features, as well as tech assistance from a personal help desk. The plan also covers data protection against viruses and threats, accidental damage and hardware services, and AppleCare services for newly purchased iPhones and iPads.
Between $12 and $15 per month depending on the device, the plan is just a few dollars more expensive than T-Mobile’s regular Premium Device Protection plan. That plan, which runs between $9 and $12 per month, comes with most of the same features, but does not include McAfee protections or the personal help desk features. The Un-carrier’s basic $10 per month device protection plan covers only loss, theft, accidental damage, and hardware service.
A full comparison of T-Mobile’s protection plan options can be viewed in the chart below.
Credit: T-Mobile