T-Mobile took a moment out of its quarterly earnings day to proclaim nationwide coverage for its freshly launched VoLTE service.
The carrier 2.8 million VoLTE-capable devices are currently running on its network and that more than 52 million VoLTE calls to date have been placed. The jump to nationwide coverage comes just two months after T-Mobile initially launched VoLTE in Seattle.
In June, T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray said the carrier expected to have nationwide VoLTE up and running by the end of 2014. At that time, he said VoLTE had launched in 15 markets, covered 107 million people, and was compatible with four T-Mobile phones including the Samsung Galaxy S5.
This isn’t the first time T-Mobile has made what seemed like speedy move to the nationwide qualification. In October 2013, just over six months after announcing its first seven LTE markets, T-Mobile labeled its LTE network nationwide with more than 200 million people covered.
With today’s earnings, T-Mobile said its LTE network now covers more than 233 million people. Along with that update, the carrier said it has already begun putting up 700 MHz gear at its cell sites and field testing compatible handsets. T-Mobile earlier this year gave Verizon $2.4 billion along with some AWS and PCS licenses in order to get its hands on some 700 MHz A Block spectrum. T-Mobile intends to deploy LTE on that spectrum to supplement its ongoing deployment in AWS.