Telecom networks can use automation to push software upgrades into the field without the need for human intervention.
Our second 5G Handbook is now available
Featuring 15 articles, the 2022 5G Handbook looks at private networks, timing, connectivity, latency, mmWaves, test, and other topics.
Webinar: Hear from the experts on Open RAN
5G Technology world will host a discussion on Open RAN technology on June 16, 2021. Register here.
Open RAN functional splits, explained
Open radio access networks offer the option of placing network functions in different places along the signal path. That option, called a functional split, lets network engineers optimize performance and make tradeoffs.
Open RAN has rewards, but comes with risks
In a panel session held on July 15, representatives of network equipment suppliers touted the advantages of open radio-access networks. Getting there will take time involves risk, including too much hype.