Not everyone thinks alike regarding mobile TV and video, Tellabs found in its recent survey of 800 people at industry trade shows in the U.S. and Brazil.
Most respondents assumed that mobile TV and video will use the most bandwidth in the next 5 years. However, 19% of respondents in the U.S. and 43% in of Brazil cited other bandwidth-hogging services such as Web browsing, mobile commerce, text messaging and advanced voice services.
The networking company also asked people about energy efficiency. Of respondents in the U.S., a surprisingly large 69% said network energy expenses are more important than circuit costs, as did 47% of respondents in Brazil.
Another topic was Internet congestion. Roughly 25% of U.S. survey takers said deep packet inspection is best method for service providers to patrol networks, with 19% suggesting higher prices might be a way to weed out some extraneous traffic. In Brazil the figures were around 25% for both options.
The survey, conducted with assistance from IDC, is not a major determining factor for Tellabs’ product strategy. But it’s a useful tool for discovering where other people in the wireless industry stand on big issues, noted Tellab’s Tarcisio Ribeiro, vice president of Latin America.