Vaunix Technology Corporation has released digital attenuator, LDA-906V. Capable of bidirectional fixed attenuation, swept attenuation ramps, and fading profiles, the LDA-906V Lab Brick Digital Attenuator is a highly accurate 50-ohm step attenuator. It provides calibrated attenuation from 200 to 6,000 MHz with an impressive step size of 0.1 dB, and typical accuracy <0.25 dB over 90 dB of control range. The LDA-906V is ideal for testing WiMAX, MIMO, SIMO, 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE, DVB, and microwave radio systems, and for creating fading and other wireless system simulations.
Lab Bricks use a native USB HID-class, driverless interface to avoid the difficulties inherent in using older serial or IEEE-488 interfaces implemented over USB. As a result, Lab Brick users can get to work faster without having to install kernel-level drivers. Lab Brick devices and equipment can be easily used on any system that supports USB HID devices, including low-cost embedded computers using Windows©, Linux™ or similar operating systems.