Ampleon announced the high power rugged BLF189XRA RF power transistor aimed at broadcast FM radio applications transmitting in the 88 – 108 MHz frequency range.
Operating from an industry standard 50 V power source the BLF189XRA delivers over 1,600 Watt (CW). Featuring best in class operating power efficiency (>82%), the transistor’s “green” credentials help deliver an environmentally-friendly performance and being capable of delivering such power levels from a single SOT539 package reduces the number of RF power transistors required overall. In addition, for a given output power requirement, reducing the number of PA transistors required keeps the size and costs of a transmitter to a minimum.
The BLF189XRA is an extremely rugged device that can withstand a VSWR of 65:1, conditions which might be encountered in a harsh operating environment or during maintenance routines.
Ampleon’s stable manufacturing production processes aids maintaining high levels of product consistency which coupled with comprehensive application support helps end-equipment manufacturers reduce the time needed to bring their product to market.