• Sony Ericsson has announced the U.S. launch of the unlocked W995a 3G handset, which is outfitted with an 8.1-megapixel camera and Walkman player features. Preorders can be placed at SonyStyle.com and units will be available at the Sony Style Store, amazon.com, newegg.com and Fry’s Home Electronics around July 6 for about $600.
• Research In Motion’s (RIM) BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8230 smartphone will be available through Verizon Wireless beginning June 19. The Pearl Flip 8230 will be $129.99 after a $70 mail-in rebate with a new two-year customer agreement.
• At JavaOne in San Francisco, Sun Microsystems and Qualcomm announced the early-access release of Java Platform Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) ported to Qualcomm’s Snapdragon ARM-based processor. The release optimizes Java application performance and power management for Snapdragon-powered smartbooks.
• MobiHand announced the availability of the MobiHand On-Device BlackBerry App Store with Version Tracking. MobiHand says BlackBerry owners can get instant updates for every app on their phone, plus access to thousands of themes, exclusive deals, free trials and a catalog of apps. In parallel with the MobiHand App Store launch, Crackberry.com is launching a branded MobiHand-powered app store.
• CyberLink says it will support Intel-based mobile Internet devices (MIDs) and netbooks. CyberLink has been working with Intel to deliver optimized video codecs for its first generation Intel Atom processor-based platforms.
• Cinterion Wireless Modules reports it maintained its worldwide leadership for cellular wireless modules with a market share of 33 percent – nearly twice as big as its nearest competitor. The company also achieved record-breaking sales of more than $283 million. Cinterion spun off from Siemens last summer after a leveraged buyout by the private equity investor Granville Baird and the T-Mobile Venture Fund.