Mopay, the company that has built a reputation in mobile payments in Europe, today announced a new solution, mopay call, that lets online merchants bill digital purchases directly to consumers’ landliine phone accounts.
Why landline when all the world’s going mobile? Mopay CEO Ingo Lippert has an answer for that. “There’s a crowd out there that doesn’t bother doing mobile phone billing, but they know how to dial a phone number, and that’s really all it takes,” he says. “It’s very easy to use.” And if merchants can offer another avenue for consumers to make payments for digital goods, why not?
Lippert says the landline service is being offered first in Europe and it will be available to the U.S. market in about two months. However, U.S.-based merchants can use mopay call now to reach customers in Europe.
Like its mobile phone counterpart, the mopay call landline service targets the unbanked or under-banked user group that doesn’t have credit cards or bank accounts. The mopay option usually is offered among other payment options at check-out.
The mobile phone payment solution that mopay offers works with about 95 percent of the U.S. mobile phone users, Lippert says.