NetMotion Software on Tuesday introduced what it said is the first operational intelligence platform purpose-built for enterprise mobility.
The software reportedly delivers comprehensive visibility across users, WiFi and cellular networks, applications and devices. This enables enterprises to use previously untapped information on mobile devices to have greater control of their mobile deployment and dynamically solve issues that arise by using real-time data and analytics, according to the Seattle-based mobility software vendor.
NetMotion said its software turns devices into “data sensors”, collecting real-time data and analytics so applications, device or networking configurations on any network can be changed to address user experience, application priority, security compliance and data usage among other.
“Industry trends are clear: workers are using multiple devices, spending more time working outside the corporate firewall and accessing real-time applications on networks that their corporations have no control or visibility into,” said Christopher Kenessey, CEO of NetMotion Software, in a statement. “Until now, enterprises could not assess the real-time health of their mobile deployment. Our software platform uniquely displays real-time data and, using our policy capabilities, makes it possible to turn intelligence into actions that solve mobile issues, improve the performance and security of their workforces. Prior to our platform, this level of visibility and control didn’t exist.”
Data can be visualized in various dashboards, including: Performance, which provides visibility and monitoring of overall health of the mobile deployment; Threat Defense, providing a real-time snapshot of network traffic to detect compromised devices, users on unsecured WiFi networks and users not using a VPN; and Cost Control, meant to determine under- or over-utilized data plans to control cellular plan costs.
“Operational Intelligence platforms are an important development for enterprise IT teams giving them visibility and control of how end users, applications, devices, network infrastructure, and internal and external services all interact,” commented Phil Hochmuth, program director and enterprise mobility analyst at IDC. “NetMotion has applied the principles of operational intelligence to enterprise mobility. Enterprises can leverage the unique troves of data they collect including network and packet inspection, monitoring of user and application behavior and network performance.”
NetMotion’s WiFi security audit dashboard. (Source: NetMotion)