The BlackBerry touchscreen Z10 is available in the United Staes through Solavei, a prepaid carrier, but it will cost the carrier’s customers to get their hands on the device.
Solavei today announced immediate availability of the Blackberry Z10 through its retail partner GSM Nation for $999 off contract.
Due for widespread availability in mid-March, the Blackberry Z10 boasts a high-resolution LCD display, 4.2-inch screen, the brand new Blackberry 10 operating system and onscreen keyboard.
Launched on September 21, 2012, Solavei has attracted more than 120,000 members nationwide to its $49 per month unlimited voice, text and data plan. Customers can also earn recurring monthly income by sharing with friends and family through its social commerce platform.
Solavei also offers other unsubsidized smartphones, including the Galaxy S III for $575 and the Nexus 4 for $405, among others.
Just last week, T-Mobile Senior Vice President of B2B Frank Sickinger said the Z10 could see release by mid-March.
Speaking with Bloomberg, Sickinger said tests are going well and that T-Mobile will speed up the launch date if possible, but mid-March seems to be the target right now.