As promised Qualcomm making available its Toq smartwatch on Dec. 2 and will be charging $350 for the wearable.
Toq’s highlight feature is its Mirasol display which is always on and performs better in sunlight than an LED. The device also takes advantage of WiPower LE charging and comes with charging tray that fits the watch and the Bluetooth earpieces. The Android-friendly watch allows users to accept/reject calls, view texts and alerts, and receive notifications from their connected device via Bluetooth.
When Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs announced the device at the company’s Uplinq developer conference in September, Wireless Week got a chance to see the device and the display really did show up nicely out in the sun.
At $350, Toq is priced a bit ahead of Samsung’s Galaxy Gear and without a camera, storage, and external microphones and speakers, it cedes the spec war to Samsung’s watch as well. But it does make good use of Mirasol and its expanded Android compatibility could make it an intriguing alternative.
Qualcomm promises to keep supporting the device with various software upgrades.