The trio of Rohde & Schwarz, China Mobile, and Media Tek accomplished a successful technical trial of a 5G prototype terminal. The trial focused on verifying signal characteristics and propagation of the mmWave terminal in multiple environments. The trial worked on both indoor and outdoor signals to examine the effect of beam tracking and array antenna switching on the stability of the mmWave signal.
In the trial, a signal generator by Rohde & Schwarz called the R&S SMW200A replicated the downlink signal of the base stations. The MTK mmWave prototype terminal was the specific device under testing (DUT). The terminal was approximately the size of your average mobile phone, utilizing highly integrated antenna array technology with beam tracking and beam forming capabilities.
Shielding is how developers describe how varying materials placed in the path of transmitted mmWave signals interfere with the reception of the signals. Within the trials themselves, the shielding effects on glass, wood, textiles, metals, plants, and the human body were all studied by placing them between a horn antenna and the DOT.
The result of the trials indicated that these shields could pose a problem. The mmWave signal was significantly affected by the objects with the human body shielding causing the signal attenuation to be as high as 10-20 dB. In order to resolve this issue, the terminal and networks required further optimization.
5G mmWaves are the future, with multiple phone companies in the race to get their network on 5G. The benefits of 5G are faster data throughput and higher bandwidth. As the technology continues to develop, engineers need to be aware of the problems regarding the use of high frequencies including shielding effects and signal propagation.
China Mobile has stated that they will continue to partner with Media Tek and Rohde & Schwarz to discover solutions concerning 5G mWaves so they can be prepared for the implementation of 5G mmWave technology.
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