Samsung today unveiled the Gear S, a smartwatch with a 2-inch curved Super AMOLED display (360 x 480) and a 3G connection allowing it to make calls without the need for a smartphone.
Users will have the option to switch between Bluetooth and cellular in order to sync the watch with a phone. The Tizen-based watch also packs an on-screen keyboard for responding to alerts and messages and enhanced S Voice functionality.
Inside the Gear S features a dual-core 1 GHz processor, 4GB of storage, 512MB of RAM and a 300 mAh battery (good for about two days use).
Samsung expects the Gear S to begin rolling out to online retailers and carriers beginning in October.
Earlier this year Samsung was tipped to be prepping an actual watch phone. The reports indicated the watch would need its own SIM but Samsung didn’t detail that in its press release.
The Gear S is not Samsung’s first smartwatch capable of making voice calls. In 2009, the Korean manufacturer brought out the S9110, a 2G watch with a mini-SIM.