xG Technology (Sarasota, FL) announced that it has completed a production run of xMax cognitive mobile broadband networking equipment. The equipment was completed in-house to validate circuit board assemblies from key contract suppliers, final assembly, configuration, and testing methods prior to releasing volume build orders to other contract manufacturers. The units produced will be used to support an upcoming beta network deployment, as well as for sales demonstrations to new and existing xG customers.
Successful manufacture of these devices has enabled xG to perform in-depth quality assurance testing on all phases of production and refine the build process to ensure field-ready reliability.
“Completing this production run of xMax equipment corroborates the confidence we have in our product and supply-chain quality,” says John Coleman, CEO of xG Technology. “Achievement of this vital step in readying our xMax cognitive mobile broadband solution for widespread commercial distribution also serves the dual purpose of helping to ensure xG’s products meet the exceptional quality and usability expectations of our customers.”
For more information visit www.xgtechnology.com