Avvasi has introduced a new system network operators can use to actively adjust the quality of video – per subscriber and per device.
While the system could be used by any broadband provider, Avvasi’s new product (like its previous products) are aimed at LTE network operators.
The company said its Q-SRV Video Service Gateway builds on its Q-VUE product, currently used by Tier 1 operators to measure video experience. The new system allows network operators to actively manage and improve the subscriber video experience.
As video now represents more than half of mobile network traffic, operators need to manage it as a separate service, Avvasi said. With the novelty of mobile video wearing off, subscribers are beginning to demand improvements in quality of experience (QoE).
“Operators understand that they need to improve and manage their subscribers’ video experiences and create new revenues from exploding levels of mobile OTT video like YouTube and Netflix,” said Mate Prgin, president and CEO of Avvasi. “We have been very successful in helping our existing customers measure, improve and monetize OTT video with Q-SRV, and we are happy to extend today its unique, industry-first benefits to all operators concerned with improving and actively managing their video experience.”
Avvasi Q-SRV runs on Avvasi’s Xperium platform, a carrier-grade, ATCA-based chassis that provides the scalability, flexibility and performance needed to help service providers monetize massive video traffic growth.