Dish Network is petitioning the FCC for waiver of certain technical rules governing a terrestrial deployment on its 20 MHz of AWS-4 spectrum as well as a one-year extension for that deployment.
In a document filed yesterday, Dish said the waiver and extra time will give it the opportunity to determine if it will use its spectrum (2000-2020 MHz) for downlink or for uplink. Dish promised to take no longer than 30 months to make that distinction.
In return for the FCC granting the waiver and time extension, Dish has promised to bid in the upcoming H Block auction for the paired 1915-1920 MHz and 1995-2000 MHz bands. Either directly or indirectly through an affiliated entity, Dish promised to bid “at least a net clearing price equal to any aggregate nationwide reserve price established by the Commission in the upcoming H Block auction (not to exceed the equivalent of $0.50 per MHz/POP).”
Dish has previously indicated that it would not “meaningfully participate” in the H Block auctions.
Dish argues that the FCC granting it the requested flexibility will pursue “new strategic initiatives that will facilitate its entry into the wireless market.” Dish added that a waiver would allow the satellite provider time to find suitable uplink spectrum for pairing with its AWS-4.
Dish contests that the out-of-band Emissions and power limitations placed on its spectrum impairs it for terrestrial uplink use.
In a separate filing, T-Mobile disclosed that company representatives have already met with the FCC to discuss the possible impact Dish’s request could have on the upcoming H Block auction.